Most other creatures are laughably weak.Dragons aren’t impactful as enemies, nevermind bosses - they just have a lot of health.There’s no incentive to change armor or weapon except for higher stats or a better enchantment.Combat boils down to mashing one mouse button until either your enemies are dead, or you are.There’s no skill involved - you either win or don’t.

But why do people say that? I think it’s fair to say that there’s several core issues with Skyrim’s vanilla combat. It’s generally agreed upon that Skyrim’s combat is at minimum outdated and at worst really bad. Before I talk about what’s included in LS4, I want to talk about the goals and intentions behind them. It’s the one section that probably has the most immediate impact on overall gameplay and can make or break the list.

Fans will have plenty of time to try out the ever-growing plethora of mods available for Skyrim, considering that The Elder Scrolls 6 is still in its design phase.Perhaps one of the most exciting sections of the modlist is the combat and enemies section. It is unfortunate that the overwhelming amount of mods required for the overhaul will make it difficult for fans who want to try it out for themselves. HeavyBurns attempt at turning Skyrim into Dark Souls is definitely a project to keep an eye on for those who are fans of both titles. Unfortunately, the full reveal of Skyrim Souls has no release date as of yet, though a playthrough of the completed project will be uploaded to HeavyBurns’ YouTube channel when it’s ready.

Large-scale overhauls of the game are certainly not uncommon, with its dedicated community creating large mods that are essentially another game such as Enderal, and even the ongoing attempt at the recreation of Oblivion in Skyrim. Although not a modder himself, HeavyBurns has stated that the modding tools available for Skyrim have made combining a large number of mods much less troublesome.